I need some change. Not change like coins (but if you want to know, I do actually require my $2 that shifty lady at the quick-stop bar at the train station conveniently
dropped when handing my change back. She dropped it down the crack of that contraption that keeps the food warm. As a result, I am $2 poorer and very much unhappy-
But no, I mean I need some change in my life. It's becoming repetitive and dreary and it isn't giving me much hope.
Or, maybe I
don't need change, as such. Maybe I just need to get happy. Yes, I think that's it.
I attempted to get happy today actually. I heard of a vintage sale in the city, where nothing was over $10. That price alone makes me happy.
Long story short, it was a 45 minute train ride into the city, only to find out the sale wasn't in the store- it was in a warehouse a few kilometres
past the city, in some residential suburb I'd never heard of.
But oh, the things I do for cheap yet classy fashion! I (along with three friends, I should add) made my way to this place, asking several different people, taking several different trams, walking several hundred miles (or so it felt), and ending up with several different blisters on my poor little feet at the end of the day.
It wasn't even as good as I'd hoped. There was lots of clothes, yes. And they
were all $10 or less, but by the time we'd gotten there, I was just not in the mood. I couldn't be bothered looking around, and because I was in a horrid mood, $10 suddenly seemed
far too much to be paying for a leather jacket or a pair of vintage Levi's.
We left after 20 minutes anyway. Although I did end up purchasing 2 skirts- a little denim one, and a high-waisted black leather pencil skirt. It's a little grungy. I like it.
So even though we did more walking than we did shopping, and got more blisters than we did clothes, it was an interesting day out. There are so many fascinating folk in the city, I tell you. I'm amazed every time I travel out!
Nevertheless, my attempt to get happy didn't really succeed as I'd hoped it would. I'm thinking tomorrows attempt will do a better job. I will be putting the Christmas tree up, and also putting down-payments on my Macbook and my SLR. Hurrah for the festive season!
I'll try to make like a Chameleon and get some change going. Or at least make like a 3-year-old and get some happy going.
I'll let you know how I go..