When I was little, nothing was better than recess at school. All my friends would run out of their classrooms when the bell sounded, and we'd meet up by the play equipment. The best was the tunnels. The tunnels were these two large concrete cylinders, lying side by side on the bark chip ground, like binoculars.
I dont know why they were there, and I dont know why they were so much fun, but oh they where!
Some genius, God knows when, invented a game called 'Tunnel Tiggy'. It was like tag, but on top of the tunnels. Some poor sucker would be 'it' and the rest of us would be up on top of the tunnnels, while they tried to tag us. They couldn't climb onto the tunnels, but we were welcome to climb off (not that you'd be silly enough to do so). I remember how the person who was 'it' would hide in tunnels and burst out of one of the ends spontaneously, and surprise us all. Often, someone would be tagged at that moment.
I remember, one lunchtime, I played the entire time without being tagged. It was the best feeling ever, for my eight-year-old self. Everyone else got tagged at one stage or the other, but I did not. When the end of lunchtime came, and the last bell sounded, I was still not tagged. I ran around yelling "I am invincible!" until someone told me to be quiet.
Almost ten years on, and I still feel the same. And not just me. Watch and see, every teenager is the same.
We run fast, fast and aimlessly, unstable and unaware. We're impulsive, all of us, to say the least. We know no boundaries, and we have no limits. The sky is the limit, and so we challenge even that.
We live like nothing could ever hurt us. Nothing could ever damage us, break us or wound us. We run fast, with and without meaning. Are we running to get away, or running to get somewhere? Or are we running simply because we can?
We're making decisions, choices, promises and mistakes. We never learn, but we always grow and that's how it will forever be. Our regrets are many, but we thrive from them. We like to know there was something we did, something we said that maybe we shouldn't have. We like to break the rules.
We live like we can never die. Like we are indestructible. And we are, because we believe ourselves to be.
One of the most amazing quotes I've ever heard comes from a novel called Looking For Alaska (to be quite honest, the book is filled with amazing quotes). This one reads: 'When adults say "Teenagers think they are invincible," with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they dont know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are.'
Isn't that wonderful? We need ever be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. That, right there, is all we need to know.
Because we are. We're invincible.