This should take my mind off things.. hopefully. Here's 100 random things you probably never knew about me.
1.I'm really confused as to where I should begin.
2.Okay, so apparently my name means 'moon' in Hindi, and 'sweet' in Armenian.
3.My moods are highly dependant on the weather. Shitty weather= sad mood.
4.I have a weird habit with rolling fabric between my fingers. I do it without realising.
5.I'm not quite sure why, but I like the word 'morph'.
6.I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was in grade 1.
7.I should be studying for exams right now.
8.I'm getting my belly-button pierced tomorrow.
9.I have a really deep scar on my right knee from falling over and splitting my knee, age 6.
10.I work at McDonald's.
11.I have plans for a fiction novel, just no time to write it.
12.I've been writing stories before I actually knew how to write (I just drew squiggles instead).
13.My eyes are a mixture of grey, green and orange. They change colour occasionally, but..
14. They go bright green when I cry.
15.I'm Sri-Lankan, and I have Dutch, Portugese and apparently Scottish ancestors.
16.I write poetry extremely well when I'm upset.
17.My birthstone is Emerald, and I'd really like a gold and Emerald ring one day.
18.I'm the youngest of two girls.
19.My sisters name is Dilani. She's twenty-five soon.
20.I've dated before, but both relationships went pear-shaped.
21.I had my first actual boyfriend at 14. Before him, it was just silly play-ground relationships.
22.My last relationship ended a few months ago. It's so much better this way, I think.
23.I've had a close family member in a near-death situation. It's the worst thing I've ever been through.
24.I've been cheated on, but I've never cheated. Never intend to, either.
25.My absolute biggest regret is that I didn't do ballet from a young age. I wish I had..
26.I'm a Christian, and I want to get closer and closer to God every day until the day he takes me to be with him forever.
27.My favourite subject has always been English, and anything related to reading/writing.
28.I have a weird brown stripe on the index finger of my left hand. Dunno what it is, really..
29.If I didn't want to become a writer, I think I'd be great at one of the following: architecture, interior design, clothing design, photography, wedding planning, make-up art.
30.I'm a Gemini, but I've got some personality aspects of a Taurus, eg- the stubborness.
31.I hate liars, cheaters, injustice, change, selfishness, arrogance, uninteresting people, animal cruelty, gossip/bitching and blasphemy.
32. I also hate being told what to do, being underestimated, being left out and being taken for granted.
33.I always want what I can't/won't have.
34.My favourite parts of my body would probably be my arms, my eyes and my decolletage area.
35. I'm working on my stomach and legs. They're not that bad though. I'm still a size 8-10.
36. And I'd never let myself get too caught up in my body image. So not worth it.
37. I desperately want to go to Cinque Terre in Italy before I get married and settle down.
38. I love originality. It doesn't matter if you stand out from the crowd or look funny compared to other people. Be different. You only get one life.
39. I shaved one side of my head, not too long ago. It's currently growing out.
40.I also recently dyed my hair red. I'm diggin' it, it's fun.
41.I'm pretty surprised that I've got to #41 without getting stuck.
42.I've never had a deep-fried Mars bar. Junk food is wonderful, but that just looks like too much. You gotta know when to say when.
43.My favourite food is pretty much anything Italian. I also like good old Chinese take-out and sushi.
44. Sounds odd, but I can't run. I can jog for a little while, but I can only run for about 30 seconds before I'm gasping for air..
45. Needless to say, I'm rather unfit.
46.I have a big fat grey bunny called Gizmo. His middle name is Lewis Angelo. He's a lovable douchebag.
47. I wouldn't be surprised if my next-door neighbours have seen me naked. I get changed with the window open quite often..
48. I haven't checked to see if I've missed a number or anything..
49. The three closest things to me (apart from the chair I'm sitting on, and the bed I'm leaning on) are: my laptop, my exam timetable and my school art folio.
50. The last person I spoke to was my mum, just a few minutes ago.
51. If I could choose the place of my death, I'd like to die in my bed, around dusk. Because the sun sets so beautifully at dusk time, and it would just be such a peaceful and serene passing.
52. I'm currently thinking about a dozen or so things, but most of all is the fact that I really should be studying.
53. But I reeally don't want to be studying.. at all.
54. Sometimes it's really hard being positive with all the horrible negativity around me.
55.Needless to say, I've experienced extreme sadness. Never depression though.
56.I once attempted to cut myself, just because I thought there might be some kind of satisfaction. But I didn't have anything sharp enough, and I was also too chicken to do it.
57.I've since realised that the best way to cope with unbearable emotion is to talk to God. Nothing is more satisfying than a raw, genuine cry out to your Saviour.
58. I've lived in the same house my entire life. I love it.
59. I used to have a dog, she was a Chihuahua x Jack Russel, named Lili.
60. I also used to have a cat, black and white and very very furry, name Lucy.
61. They both died a few years back. Lili died in December 09, and Lucy died in June o8 or 09..
62. I miss them like no tomorrow. I can't wait to see them again one day.
63. I once got Glandular Fever from my boyfriend at the time. It's hilarious now, but I felt like I was dying at the time.
64. Apart from Glandular Fever, I've never been seriously ill. Touch wood.
65. Although, in a month or so, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. Yay for surgery and baby food.
66. I've never spent more than $30 on a pair of heels. I don't intend to either. Until my wedding day.
67. And I have about twelve pairs of heels, mind you. Ever the bargain hunter, I am.
68. I have a dorky love for old music. Like, 70's, 80's and 90's stuff.
69. I immediately thought of sex when the number '69' came up. I'm honest..
70. But I was going to say, I love Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran and The Police.
71. One of my favourite places in the world would probably be my bedroom.
72. I have a penpal. His name is Cristobal (I call him Cris) and he's from Mexico. He's one of the coolest people I've ever known.
73. I'd love to marry an Italian guy.
74. Well, no I'd rather a man who loves me for exactly who I am. An Italian would just be a bonus.
75. I have my ears pierced. I got them done when I was about 2 years old. It was a cultural thing.
76. I also have another piercing a few centimeters above my normal piercing on my right ear. Just a random one.
77. I used to have the top of my right ear pierced.. until I accidently ripped it out.
78. I'm going to get it pierced again eventually. I loved it.
79. I don't have any tattoos, but I'm contemplating whether I'd like one one day.
80. I'm surprised I only have 20 more facts to go.
81. I'm currently crushing on someone. Sounds so childish but what else can I say.. 'fancy'? Okay, I currently fancy someone.
82. A lot.
83. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how I feel. I have zero chance with him either way.
84. I like to knit and sew and make cute useless things.
85. I'm currently knitting a patchwork blanket. It's so much fun.
86. When I'm pregnant with my first child, I'm going to spend my whole pregnancy knitting him/her clothes for his/her first winter.
87. Speaking of my offspring, I've already planned out their names. My husbands opinion will not be taken into consideration. Lol.
88. I think I only want two children. Not an odd number. But that might change. What if I have triplets? Then I'm screwed.
89. Recently I have had the itch to bake a pie. From scratch. Like, an apple and berry one.
90. I'm anaemic. Meaning I'm very low in iron. I take tablets though, no sweat.
91. In December 2009, my life changed massively. I really miss the way it used to be.
92. I have this peculiar obsession/love for maps and anything geography related (like Atlas'). Geography makes me so so happy.
93. When I'm married, my husband and I will make a list of all the places we intend on having sex, before we become sexually inactive. I'm currently a virgin, but once I'm married- there will be no limits. Hotel roof anyone? ;)
94. I had braces when I was twelve and got them off just before I turned fourteen. Best thing my parents did for me, I swear. I love my new smile.
95. I bought a Macbook in January this year. It's the most wonderful gadget in the world.
96. Recently I've been wondering whether I have OCD. I have this weird thing with making absolutely sure that my bin is in the corner of my room before I sleep. It HAS to be!
97. I would absolutely love to go skinny dipping at dusk, in the summer time.
98. I'm scared of spiders and most insects, trains/trams, the dark, the 'illuminati' and falling in love.
99. I'm hoping to be a Youth Ambassador for World Vision next year, if that's what is in God's plan for me.
100. I want to change the world, just a little bit, before I die. I once read that when we are born, we are given a piece of the universe, and it is ours for the duration of our lives. Some people will neglect it, some people will look after it and some people will change it. While others wont even take the challenge. What will you do? I know what I'll do.