Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wow. God is far too good to me. I am lost for words to describe it, but so full of praise.
You are amazing, God.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I am so broke. Oh my God.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Come Back Home, Sara

My mind says it has been a day,
the calendar says a year.
An emptiness consumes me,
and I'm reminded you're not here.

Where did you go- all that time ago?
That day you slipped away,
from all the hands that held to you,
but couldn't make you stay.

Do you see us move in circles,
around the space you left behind?
Tears become so commonplace,
and hope- too hard to find-

But we're still trying,
Sara, come back home.

Billie The Vision & The Dancers- Oh Baby, Yeah Honey

Pretty Real.

You know what bugs me, bloggers? What really grinds my gears, and just doesn't sit well with me?
The emphasis human beings in this society place on aesthetics. On being outwardly beautiful.

Why is everything today about how we look? How we see ourselves, how others see us, how we see the opposite sex or the same sex?
Why is everything about perfection and glamour and good-looks?
Models featured in every form of advertising you could imagine- why is it that beauty and sex sell so successfully?
Make-up and weight-loss formulas and clothes that cover this or enhance that. Magazine covers with models that are so photoshopped they hold a striking resemblance with a Barbie doll.
All this self-indulgent, superficial, shallow rubbish.

And why?

We're obsessed. And it's awful. We're obsessed with how we, as a society, look. We look at everyone, scrutinizing the smallest details, subconsciously putting everyone we see under judgement. Judging is what we do best.
Why is there so much interest in 'exclusive' photographs of celebrities without make-up? What do we expect celebrities to look like? They're humans, like us. They're just ordinary people with extraordinary jobs. So who cares how they look without make-up? Is that really what concerns us?

I don't understand why people try so hard to be beautiful. My goodness, it just seems like the silliest thing to let consume you. I also don't understand why people base so much on looks, or judge so strongly on looks. A persons appearance says so so little about them. Beauty and perfection and looks aren't real. We're just a bunch of soon-to-be ghosts in bodies that we don't get to keep.
You know, when we die and we get buried six feet under, our bodies are going to rot away and we'll be bones in a box that no one will ever see again. It's true- our perfect hair, our toned legs, our pretty eyes and our flawless skin will all be gone. Outward beauty is temporary and so unbelievably meaningless. When we die, all that's left is our souls.

So maybe we should start worrying more about how our souls look, since they're the ones that'll be around forever. Are our souls beautiful? Are our souls perfect? Are our souls something we can be proud of? Or do we just hide them behind us and hope nobody sees the ugly soul behind the pretty face? The good thing about souls is you can't judge a persons soul without getting to know them incredibly well. You can judge a persons looks right away, and that's that.

I don't really think I had any point in posting this, aside from the fact that it was on my mind and it really does annoy me. But if you take anything from my irritated ramblings, let it be this:
Don't let yourself be consumed by this ridiculous desire for perfection and beauty. It is so silly and superficial and meaningless. Instead, make your soul beautiful. It's far more worthwhile.

And guess what- souls don't get wrinkles.