Saturday, April 26, 2014

Couldn't agree more.
 However, if you're like me, purple, black and blue 
are also perfectly acceptable whenever the hell you want. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"People say I love you all the time - when they say, ‘take an umbrella, it’s raining,’ or ‘hurry back,’ or even ‘watch out, you’ll break your neck.’ There are hundreds of ways of wording it - you just have to listen for it, my dear."
- The Curious Savage (John Patrick)

Yay For Long Weekends.

And sorry for my long silences. As most of you know, my first semester of university commenced in March, and it's taken me a whole month and a half to get into the swing of things. Note: university is absolutely, totally, 100% nothing like high school.

But nevertheless, it's great. And you'll get plenty of posts about it soon.

For now, I'm enjoying my break- a long weekend, plus a week off uni for the Easter period. So necessary. Now I have all the time in the world to not work on those assignments I have due in just over a week. Good stuff. (Why is motivation so hard to find but so easy to lose?)

I don't think motivation and long weekends are supposed to go together. So, bloggers, enjoy your Easter weekend, do absolutely nothing if you please, and stick around because I will be back soon.

...after the weekend.

Happy Easter,


Sunday, April 6, 2014