Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Perfect Night In Alone.
Today was a ying yang day if ever there was one. A crazy but wonderful day, and it's absurd to think my morning could have, in any way, led into my evening.
This morning I lazily got out of bed at a little off 10:30. I made my way to the kitchen, got myself some cereal, and watched Saturday Disney and Rage on the living room couch. Following the completion of my bowl of cereal, I decided to clean my floordrobe that had accumulated over oh, about two weeks or so. My room looked an awful state, but it really only required the folding of some clothes, and the washing of some worn ones. Oh and some vacuuming.
But, since it was such a nice morning, and it seemed a pity to rush anything at all, I decided to take my sweet time and finished the tidying about two hours and twenty minutes later, which saw me finally have a shower at one.
After that, I was even more relaxed and maybe even a little zen. Once again, I felt compelled to walk around nude, while I had the house to myself. I wonder if the neighbours have ever seen..?
I made myself some tea and listened to Angus and Julia Stone, and wondered if I could have felt anymore chilled out and content.
And then mum got home.
Bloggers, my dear mother- bless her soul- has a problem. Not a mental problem or even a physical problem; in those areas she's quite alright. Her problem is mess/anything slightly untidy.
My mother will not go to sleep at night unless all the dishes are washed, and all the dirty laundry in the laundry basket is washed. The kitchen must be swept, and any folded laundry needs to be put away. I kid you not, she will go to bed at 11:30 on a Sunday night if needs be.
It's ridiculous, and rather infuriating.
It's not just like a habit, it's something she's dead-set serious about. She will actually get angry if these things aren't done. She'll give my sister and I the silent treatment, or she'll rant and rave under her breath in another language.
So today, mum got home at something close to 2:30. She was bringing bags of groceries in, and she told me to get the last two bags from the back seat of the car. She seemed happy enough when she was telling me that.
And then she came inside, and saw that there were dishes in the sink. You will not believe how quickly her mood changed. She rolled up her sleeves and began to run the hot water, and I knew I was in for shit this time. When my mother sees mess, doesn't say anything, and then proceeds to do it herself- you're in for it.
The thing about me is, I hate doing the dishes. I hate it so much so that I would use paper plates for the rest of my life, if it wasn't so terrible for the environment. I hate doing dishes. It may seem like an odd prerequisite, but my future husband must be willing to do the dishes for our entire married life, else I will simply not marry him. And that is that.
So mum gave me the silent treatment, and I was left wondering if she'd ever realise that there is more to life than cleaning and being tidy. I fear one day she'll die a sad old lady; sad because she spent too much time cleaning and not nearly enough time living and enjoying things. The world wont end if the dishes lay in the sink a while longer. But when the world does end, she'll wish she hadn't spent so much time doing the dishes.
Anyway, mum left to go and visit dad, and at 5 o'clock, I left for work myself. I had a four and a half hour shift- five thirty 'til ten. I was most definitely not looking forward to it. To end such a lovely peaceful day with a shift at a local fast food store seemed like such a waste. I prayed it would be quick and more or less enjoyable.
From five thirty until eight, I was working alongside about six other crew who were also friends of mine. It wasn't so bad, but come the dinner hour, we we're flat out. It was so ridiculously busy I wanted to scream, and throw food at customers. Impatient customers, complicated orders, slow kitchen staff, and very sore feet did not make for a happy me. I couldn't believe I'd been so relaxed in the morning. Talk about going from one extreme to another.
But at 8 o'clock, 80% of the crew finished their shifts, and it was just me, a girl named Hannah, two kitchen staff, and my manager Paul.
Hannah was meant to finish at eight, but Paul asked her to stay back just an hour, considering we'd be so short-staffed. After he persuaded her, he turned to me. I told him I wasn't going to stay back any later than ten. He said no, that he wasn't going to ask me that. Instead, he said, I would be order-taking on Drive-Thru. I refused, but he begged, and Paul is a bit like a scruffy, funny looking puppy that you really can't say no to. So I agreed. And what an eventful hour that was.
After a mild anxiety attack, and several screwed up orders, I managed to get the hang of it. It was most definitely not easy, and for about 67% of the time, I really wanted to 'accidently' fall out the window and get run over by one of the cars.
But I survived, thank you Jesus. And I even persuaded Paul to give me free food. I said he owed it to me, because he'd traumatized me by putting me on Drive-Thru. More or less the truth, really.
And now, finally, I'm home. My feet were so sore, I had to walk on the sides of them. I couldn't even stand in the shower, so I sat cross-legged instead. Very awkward shower that was..
But my room is tidy, and my bed has fresh clean sheets and there's really no reason not to be happy.
So, to end an eventful, crazy but pleasant day, I'm sitting here, blogging, listening to Duran Duran and painting my toenails bright purple. Now that I'm done, I'm going to paint my finger nails too, and then finish watching Love Actually.
Saturday night perfection.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Quirky Little Shiny Things.

I have the itch for another piercing. I've decided against piercing my nose, and since I've already pierced my belly button, I think the best way to go is another ear piercing.
I'm still completely shattered that my upper helix piercing ripped out. I'm even more shattered that the guy pierced it in the exact spot I so dearly desired it, and now I can't re-pierce it there, because apparently that's dangerous. So now I have to get it done a tad lower or higher. Not happy about that.
I'm thinking maybe I'll do it on the same spot, but on my left ear. And on my right ear, I'll get a forward helix and upper helix both, and then be a little bit grungy and join them with a chain. I would do a bar, but I really doubt my cartilidge will heal enough to accomodate a fairly thick steel bar through my ear. Darn.. it'd sure look cool.
I kind of want three in a row. Maybe on the rim of my ear, like in the picture. Or maybe one in the middle section of the rim, on my left ear, like the other picture.
There's so much to choose from! The most painful part about piercings is finally deciding on which to get..
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Something A Little Bit Greater Than This.
I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. This tunnel is so long. And the light keeps flickering.
I want to get away from all of this, and be happy for longer than just twenty-four hours, give or take. I want to be happy for more than that.
They thought dad would get better faster in rehab. Now it's just bad news and an even worse forecast. They'd said 'Oh, he'll be home in around five or so weeks.'
How do they know anything? Mum says dad's gotten worse. She says he looks sicker, and he's more restless. My sister thinks he's given up. Apparently he's gotten into the habit of pulling the sheets all the way up and covering his face and staying like that. Like he doesn't want to be a part of the world, and he wishes he could turn off life for a little while.
Like me.
I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of this heavy, dark shadow over our lives; what's going to happen? Will dad be okay? He's getting sicker. What can we do? Where are we going to go? Can we afford things anymore? How much longer?
I know dad's got the worst part of this situation. He's the sick one and he's been robbed of a good one and a half years of his life. But sometimes it's hard to think of dad and how this is affecting him. Especially now, when I'm so tired. In every possible way.
I hate this. I hate this uncertainty and this constant question. I hate this test of faith. I hate waiting for something that mightn't ever come. I hate having to be strong; all the time, I have to keep my chin up and keep moving.
It's not that I want to be a weakling and cry all the time. I just don't want to have to be strong. I dont want a situation like this, where being strong is the only option. Because it's hard sometimes, to be strong. And it's exhausting. I dont want to do it anymore.
I'm just waiting. Waiting for something, anything; for fate to intervene and put an end to this. Waiting for a little glimmer of hope, for something to look positive and encouraging. For things to get better, so that everything doesn't suck so bad.
There has to be more to life than just doing and being. More than hoping and wishing. There has to be something more than this. Something better, happier and fulfilling. This can't be it. Life can't just be what it seems right now. No way. There has to be a better reason we were born into this world.
Yet I still feel like I'm waiting.
What the hell am I waiting for?
Something a little bit greater than this.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wooh, Girl Crush!
Lazy Little Winter Days.
This morning, after pursuing a rather decent nights sleep, I was rudely awoken by a text message from a school friend, that read:
I know it's none of my business, but why did you break up with Cody?
What the hell?
First of all, you're exactly right- it isn't any of your business. You just contradicted yourself by saying that, and then continuing to ask the question, that- let me remind you- was of no relevance to you.
Secondly, what the hell persuaded you to text me, asking me that completely random question at 9:00am on an average Thursday morning? Like, dude.. why weren't you sleeping? I was. (Emphasis on was.)
Thirdly, Cody and I were never even together. We just had a little thing going on, and it was no where near a relationship, FYI. Pretty sure I never even held the guys hand, let alone kissed him or anything along those lines.
I could go on, but I wont. Needless to say, I'm not replying to your text message. I'm just bewildered as to why you would ask me that at the most ungodly holiday hour of 9 o'clock, why you'd want to know in the first place, and why you'd even consider me telling you.
I'm pretty sure Cody doesn't care. How come you do?
Nevermind, that just made for a rather interesting start to my day. In fact, I was almost glad to have been woken up by something at least, else I would have been late to meet my girlfriends for a day out shopping. I was supposed to meet my bestfriend at her house at 11:00am.
It's 11:00am right now.
And I'm sitting here, on my bed in my jammies, surrounded by tissues and looking much like some kind of hobbit/troll/Gollum-like creature.
Yes, I am sick. No shopping for me.
I woke up feeling like someone had hit me across the head with a piece of wood, and sounding like a dying frog. Occasionally, when I get sick, I end up with this husky, almost sexy kind of voice.
That has not happened this time. I, like I said, sound like a dying frog.
So this is my excuse for a nice little lazy day. Not too much phsyical (or mental) exertion, plenty of cups of tea, some Angus and Julia Stone and maybe, just maaaaybe some English and literature homework, but ONLY because I like those subjects. No maths or forensic science.. not today.
Ah, here's to guilt-free lazy days.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Late Night Baking, Cupcake Making.
There is literally nothing remotely sweet or dessert-like in my house right now. Nothing. Dinner was kind of crappy- my grilled fish fillet started to taste rather foul half way through, resulting in me not eating the rest of it. And my mashed potato was a tad cold.
I want something yummy and guilt-inducing. Like chocolate, or chocolate ice-cream pie. In fact, I'm craving the latter so badly, that it's absence is making me angry.
I think I'm going to go bake some cupcakes. That's really all I can do..
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Take Away Their Little Tears.
I was looking at a friends Tumblr just now, and I came across a heading that said something like 'If this doesn't get a million reblogs, I dont know what Tumblr is useful for.'
I thought it would be some hilariously funny clip or photo, or maybe a really beautiful dress or something. Something people would want to see.
But I am so deeply affected by what I just saw, that it made me want to slam my laptop shut and cry.
It was a dog, a beautiful little dog, breed unknown. It was lying on it's side and the photo was mainly of it's face. You could see its neck, and there seemed to be a huge cut in it. A chunk was taken out of it, and it was bloody and raw. At first I thought it was a poor little thing about to be operated on in a vet clinic. Then I saw the pair of ordinary scissors in the background. It didn't look like a vet clinic.
And the most heartbreaking thing was the creature was looking right into my very eyes, with a single tear weeping from its own.
It was crying.
I stared at it for a few seconds, before I couldn't take it anymore. I scrolled up, exited her Tumblr, and then decided I had to share my prayer.
Dear God,
Father in Heaven, I don't know why or how people could be so cruel and heartless and evil to inflict such pain and torture on your beautiful, harmless creatures. Lord God, it pains me to even think of these poor little animals subjected to this, without being able to defend themselves, Father.
Lord Jesus, see an end to this. Please see the end to all animal cruelty, all torture and ill-treatment. Let it not even occur anymore, Father, it's sickening.
If I could take all the animals in the world, all the sick, neglected, homeless ones, and the tortured ones, Lord Jesus, I wouldn't even think twice. But they're in your care Father, please look after them.
If they're going to be killed by some heartless monster of a human being, then Lord, please let it be quick. And look after them for all eternity with you in Heaven.
Lord Jesus, I hope all the people who inflict these cruelties will see justice. These people are not even worthy of the air to breathe, Father, and that is simply how I feel. I trust that you work your holy will, and deal with them accordingly. If it were left to me, I'd have them skinned alive, and burnt on a flaming stake. It infuriates me.
Thank you for listening. Please answer my prayer.
So Much To Do, So Very Little Time..
Winter holidays 'to-do' list:
[x] Clean bedroom.
[x] Develop photos from birthday, and also photos to send to Cris.
[x] Buy souveniers to send to Cris.
[x] Send Cris' letter.
[] Knit at least 2 more patches for my patchwork quilt.
[] Knit at least another 10cm onto my scarf.
[] Clean Gizmo's hutch.
[] Buy the rest of Dilani's present, and Steph's present.
[] Read driving book, so I can get my driver's licence.
[x] Buy storage boxes for my handbags and heels.
[] Buy an expanding file for all my important papers.
[] Organise alarmingly messy third drawer of dressing table.
[x] Forensic science.
[x] Macbeth, 2 assignments.
[] Literature research assignment.
[] Maths chapter 11A.
[x] Art folio.
[x] Buy facial skin care products.
[] Use my Typo gift card. (Decorative lanterns, yay!)
[] Use my Dymocks gift card.
[] Paint and hang up wall art.
If you don't hear from me after 2 weeks- I died somewhere along the process of working through my list.
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