I have the itch for another piercing. I've decided against piercing my nose, and since I've already pierced my belly button, I think the best way to go is another ear piercing.
I'm still completely shattered that my upper helix piercing ripped out. I'm even more shattered that the guy pierced it in the exact spot I so dearly desired it, and now I can't re-pierce it there, because apparently that's dangerous. So now I have to get it done a tad lower or higher. Not happy about that.
I'm thinking maybe I'll do it on the same spot, but on my left ear. And on my right ear, I'll get a forward helix and upper helix both, and then be a little bit grungy and join them with a chain. I would do a bar, but I really doubt my cartilidge will heal enough to accomodate a fairly thick steel bar through my ear. Darn.. it'd sure look cool.
I kind of want three in a row. Maybe on the rim of my ear, like in the picture. Or maybe one in the middle section of the rim, on my left ear, like the other picture.
There's so much to choose from! The most painful part about piercings is finally deciding on which to get..
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