I always think about all the people in the world. Imagine all of them. All their different lives, their different stories. Billions of individuals, living in a parallel existence. They see the same sun rising, they see the same moon at night. Isn't that amazing? But there are still billions who I'll never know. They wont know of me either.
I wonder about all the different relationships and friendships; all the families. Imagine all the people dying, all the babies being born, all the couples getting married, all the students graduating, all the people having birthdays, all the lovers having their first kiss just as I write this.
I wonder what everyone is doing, right this second. Some where in the world, it's early morning. Someone is getting out of bed to go to work or school. Someone is making breakfast, taking a shower, shaving, blowdrying their hair, finding their missing shoe, stuck in traffic right now. Some where in the world, it's midday. Someone is eating lunch, making lunch, wishing they had a better lunch, and wishing they even had lunch.
Some where in the world, like here, it's late at night. So many people would be sound asleep, dreaming their private dreams, away with their mind while their bodies rest. Someone is out in the city, hitting the clubs, enjoying their youth and freedom. Someone is on the way to work, ready for night shift. Someone is slipping into bed, next to their partner, wondering if they're awake so they can tell them they love them before they go to sleep.
Some where in the world, doctors and nurses are operating on people, saving lives, delivering new ones, fighting for old ones that sometimes dont make it. Police officers are fighting crimes, chasing criminals and protecting us civilians.
I wonder if some where in the world, there is someone like me, sitting on their bed with their laptop and thinking about all of this.
Tomorrow it will happen all over again. The sun will rise and half the world rises with it, living their crazy, different fascinating lives until the sun sets and it's time to sleep, and the other half rises then.
This world is so alive. Isn't it wonderful?
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