Dear #1:
Thank-you for being exactly the way you are and not a single bit different; to be entirely honest, I probably wouldn't love you as much if you were any other way that the way you are now. No one gives hugs like you and no one makes soup like you. Thank-you for making my cup of coffee every morning, because I sure as hell can't make a coffee to save my life.
Dear #2:
Thank-you for shaping me as we grew up and teaching me how to dance to hip-hop and how to apply eye-shadow. Even though I still get it wrong. And still need help..
Dear #3:
Thank-you for encouraging me and motivating me all those years ago; thank-you for believing in me, and making me believe in myself too. I will never forget you and I will always be grateful for everything you taught me.
Dear #4:
Thank-you for knowing how weird I am and still sticking around. You will always be my jellybean.
Dear #5:
Thank-you for opening my eyes to the world and the beautiful things in it: the people, the languages, the music and the places. I owe so much of myself to you and your doings, and I love you shamelessly.
Dear #6:
Thank-you for not being afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, to oppose me, to argue with me, to correct me or to challenge me. Thank-you for fighting with me and debating with me, and being my friend all the while. Thank-you for your caring soul and your gigantic heart.
Dear #7:
Thank-you for inspiring me to smile through the pain like you have learnt to do so well. Everything happens for a reason, don't forget, and you'll find out that reason one day.
Dear #8:
Thank-you for the lesson you taught me. Thank-you for the way you treated me- you made me realise the way I should be treated. Thank-you for disrespecting me- you showed me that I knew how to respect myself. Thank-you for deceiving me and lying to me- you made me value the truth and honest people. Thank-you for trying to manipulate me and take advantage of me- you let me prove to myself that I was stronger, smarter and better than I ever knew.
Dear #9:
Thank-you for opening my eyes and opening my heart. You initiated an epiphany, and not a lot of people can do that.
Dear #10:
Thank-you for letting me call on you whenever I need, so that I can pour out my whiney, insignificant teenage girl problems to you at ridiculous hours of the night. I value you and your generosity and compassion and mentoring more than I let you know.
Dear #11:
Thank-you for being my confidante, my encourager, my handy-man, my chauffeur, my pillow, my advice-giver, my listener, my security blanket, my teacher, my comedian, my supporter, my friend, my complete and total opposite, and the one person I love with every atom that I consist of. Thank-you for debating with me, for arguing with me and for fighting with me, and still loving me all the same. Thank-you for telling me when I'm being a contradicting, hypocrtical whore, and for putting up with my endless mood swings and whack hormones. Really, I'm very grateful.
Dear #12:
Thank-you for being the most beautiful, genuine, honest, kind, caring young man I have ever come across. You are such a wonderful person, and so humble about it too. More boys should aspire to become like you- you are such a role model and such a brilliant guy. I am so honoured to be your friend.
Dear #13:
Thank-you for being you- you're probably the loveliest human being I have ever met, and your aura is just beautiful. You spread happiness and light wherever you go, and it's contagious. I wish more people were just like you.
Dear #14:
Thank-you for taking me on the rollercoasters and waterslides when Mum was too scared. Thank-you for the bike rides and the Happy Meals, and the caramel sundaes. Thank-you for investing time in trying to teach me how to play cricket. I'm sorry I got it all wrong and could never hit the ball. Bet you wish you had a son, huh? Thank-you for always being protective of us, and for telling us you'd 'keep the shotgun handy when the boys start coming'. I can tell you now, I found the perfect one so you can lay down your shotgun.
Oh and thanks for the corned beef on Saturday mornings.
Dear #15:
Thank-you for being like my long lost sister. Thank-you for being so utterly hilarious and so wonderfully genuine. Thank-you for all the inspiration, the encouragement, the D&M's and the inside jokes. I wish you all the very best on your trip this year- you deserve to have the time of you life.
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