Monday, December 3, 2012

Sweet Nothings.


Hear that?


Neither do I.

As much as I adore people, and being out, and seeing the world (or just the rest of my city, for the time being) and being social (sometimes..), there is nothing I love more than an understated night in. Doing nothing with no one, in the peaceful sanctuary that is my bedroom. A few candles, paper lanterns, green tea, and hum of the distant highway blended with a summer breeze coming through my open window. I feel so peaceful and content, I could almost levitate.

But I'm not, unfortunately.

(How cool would that be?)

This is what I love most about summer holidays. Doing nothing. And having no pressure to find something to do to fill the endless time I have. I do, however, have a stack (literally, a stack) of holiday homework that will most likely not do itself, so perhaps I should get that done (or at least get started on it) soon. But with school having concluded less than a week ago, I'm feeling absolutely no inclination to pull out the books again. Not anytime soon.

What I have been doing is shopping, lots and lots of Christmas shopping. With one family member down and three more- plus a boyfriend and two dear friends- to go, it doesn't look as if I've been very productive. But I'll get there. 
With my boyfriend jetsetting off to the other side of the world *sniffs* in roughly a week, and not returning until the new year, I have a little extra time to muster up some sort of appropriate gift. For everyone else, however, the pressure is on. Time will have no mercy on me, and knowing my luck, it will be Christmas Eve before I've even wrapped the one gift I do have ready. 

But instead of sorting out Christmas presents, and getting caught up in the pre-Christmas madness, I've decided to prioritize- by putting the spirit of Christmas above the materialistic, secular 'just another holiday' rubbish that it has become. 
So instead, I'm grabbing coffee with a beloved friend of mine tomorrow morning- and maybe we'll sit down for a little d&m too. On Wednesday, I'm spending the day with my boyfriend and then hitting up the night markets in the city; and on Thursday I'm taking a friend opshopping. I'll probably go visit my dad during the week too, and maybe go say 'hello' to my nana.

But for now, while a combination of green tea and easy summer breeze makes me sleepy, and the peaceful evening rolls into night, I think I'll slip on some jammies and climb into bed, and enjoy the sweet nothings of summer and endless days. 

Goodnight my loves, x

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