Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mission Unstoppable has a new name and a new page!

You can also follow us on Instagram: project1420
& we'll have a Facebook page up and running ASAP.

Your support has been incredible so far, and I can't thank you all enough.

All my love,


Friday, February 7, 2014

Mission Unstoppable.

Hey hey bloggers, happy Friday night!

I'm really excited, so let's get straight into this.

So at the beginning of last year, my 'new years resolution' was to become closer to God. Unlike the traditional weight loss resolutions, this one actually came to be- I did get closer to God, and just quickly, can I say- it's wonderful.
So now here I am and it's 2014 and I'm still walking with God (tripping many times, but trying my best) and it's all fine and dandy, so I decided to set myself a resolution for 2014: I'm going to start changing lives.


Well that's what I thought about, too.

And that's when I came up with Mission Unstoppable.

Now, if you know anything about me, you'll probably know this already, and if you don't know anything about me, then you'll learn something new.
There is nothing in this world that breaks my heart more than poverty. Everyone in this world will experience death and violence and illness in some way, shape or form, but not everyone has to experience poverty. And that's what I think is unfair.
Walking through the streets of Melbourne's bustling CBD, I'm reduced to tears at the number of homeless people lining the streets with empty hats and buckets before them. The rest of the city barely acknowledges their existence, or the fact that they are human beings with souls, dreams, fears and identities. To the rest of the city, they are collectively named 'the homeless', all swept under the same blanket.
I think I'd be wasting my time if I tried to appeal to a sense of humanity in people and tried to get them to spare a five dollar note every now and again. People shouldn't need to be poked and prodded into giving and sharing and loving. What kind of a world do we live in when we need to ask people to care?
So I've decided to take it upon myself. I'm going to feed the hungry.

I might have mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I have finally found myself a job. I'm loving the look of my bank account right now, because it means I can finally buy the clothes and shoes and bags I've been lusting after since I became broke. But it also means I can now share, and my sharing comes in the form of Mission Unstoppable. Here's how it's going to go:

I'm going to take $50 out of my bank account every month when my pay comes in. Then I'm going to halve it.
Then I'm going to divide one of the halves- $25 will become $12.50.
With $12.50, I'm going to buy a few loaves of bread, some spreads, maybe some ham or salami, some lettuce, cheese, tomato and a bulk pack of water bottles/ juices/ soft drinks. And some sprinkles.
With this, I'm going to make lunch packs, consisting of a sandwich, a drink and a cupcake. With sprinkles.
Then, when I make about a dozen or so of these, I'm going to take them to the city and feed some hungry people. This will happen twice a month. And that's one half of the $50 gone.

With the other half of the $50- or the other $25- I'm going to divide it by four, giving me $5. There are four weeks in a month. If I have $5 for every week, I can buy one person a nice hot, fresh lunch every week.

And that's Mission Unstoppable.

I'm calling it 'unstoppable', because I don't plan on slowing down, and if all goes to plan, it's only going to grow from here. I'm hoping that as I begin to earn more, I'll be able to give more. I'd like to get these people warm blankets and clothes, and maybe backpacks to carry their belongings. Whatever else they could use, I want to be able to give it. It doesn't take a whole lot to change a life.

I'll be kicking off the Mission soon, so watch this space for updates. I'd love your support.

Endless love to you all,


Monday, February 3, 2014

Things Are Looking Up.

Happy February everyone!

It's more than a happy February for me, since I still have an entire month left until I begin university. I'm now enrolled and registered for classes, and all that is left is the purchasing of textbooks. But until I need to concern myself with textbooks, I won't, cause things are coming along tip-top terrific and there is far too much to be cheery about.

Here's my list:

  • I finally have a job again: after six months of living off of my mother, nothing could have been sweeter than depositing my first paycheck. 
  • Old friends: the kind where you can pick up where you left off every time.
  • New friends: the kind who excite and enthrall you, and bring out new sides of you.
  • Beautiful weather: balmy nights with the windows left open, and sunshine that just seems to hug you every time you step outside.
  • Baking cookies: I've moved on from cupcakes, and cookies are the way to go for now. My new cookie cutters are just the bees knees.
  • Sun hats: I love them
  • Back packs: I love these too.
  • Poached eggs on avocado: ever since I bought my little egg poaching cups, it's all I've been eating for breakfast. 
  • Starting university in March: I am so excited for this new chapter and everything it has in store. 
  • Buying my car: I have no words. I can't even wait to drive my baby home. 
  • Good vibes: they're surrounding me lately, and I feel so blessed.
  • God's favour: also surrounding me, and I could not feel more grateful.
Okay, your turn now- what's making you happy this month? Let's spread the smiles.

Much love 'til next time.
