Monday, February 3, 2014

Things Are Looking Up.

Happy February everyone!

It's more than a happy February for me, since I still have an entire month left until I begin university. I'm now enrolled and registered for classes, and all that is left is the purchasing of textbooks. But until I need to concern myself with textbooks, I won't, cause things are coming along tip-top terrific and there is far too much to be cheery about.

Here's my list:

  • I finally have a job again: after six months of living off of my mother, nothing could have been sweeter than depositing my first paycheck. 
  • Old friends: the kind where you can pick up where you left off every time.
  • New friends: the kind who excite and enthrall you, and bring out new sides of you.
  • Beautiful weather: balmy nights with the windows left open, and sunshine that just seems to hug you every time you step outside.
  • Baking cookies: I've moved on from cupcakes, and cookies are the way to go for now. My new cookie cutters are just the bees knees.
  • Sun hats: I love them
  • Back packs: I love these too.
  • Poached eggs on avocado: ever since I bought my little egg poaching cups, it's all I've been eating for breakfast. 
  • Starting university in March: I am so excited for this new chapter and everything it has in store. 
  • Buying my car: I have no words. I can't even wait to drive my baby home. 
  • Good vibes: they're surrounding me lately, and I feel so blessed.
  • God's favour: also surrounding me, and I could not feel more grateful.
Okay, your turn now- what's making you happy this month? Let's spread the smiles.

Much love 'til next time.


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