Day one: 10:25pmAnd so it begins. Forty long hours of no food, no furniture and no technology. So far I'm not hungry at all. Not even slightly.
That may be due to the fact that I've only been food-less for an hour and twenty-five minutes; nevertheless! I will keep up this.. this lack of hunger.
I've also carefully and lovingly made myself a makeshift bed on the floor of my bedroom.
It consists of about nine or ten different blanks/doonas/sheets, plus a picnic mat, my pillow and my teddy called Bear. Together, the two of us are rather comfortable in our third world, first class bed.
Technology on the other hand.. I do miss my i-Pod already, but then again my i-Pod and are I are joined at the hip (i-Pods don't have hips..).
So far, I only have about $71.00. I am greatly disappointed.
If I don't have the better half of $150.00 by Monday.. there'll be hell to pay.
So sponsor me! Ugh, never mind. Goodnight bloggers. X
Day two: 9:40amI haven't eaten in a little over 12 hours. And still, I'm not even hungry. I could go with a cup of tea, but I'm sure I can wait til Sunday, 1pm.
I had a surprisingly sound sleep on my bed of blankets, even though the hard wooden floors proved to be a little less than comfortable at times.
I'm doing fine without technology, but I still miss my i-Pod. And writing down my blogs in this notebook just feels like I'm talking to myself.
As yesterday evening, I still only have $71.00. And I am still highly disappointed.
I was told by a friend, "I'll give you twenty bucks if you can do it."
Well friend, it's almost been thirteen hours, and look at me go!
Fill you in soon, bloggers. X
11:00amI'm bored. I want to play some music, or switch the TV on. I want to check my Facebook page.
And there are marshmallows, chocolates and toffees in a jar that seem to be taunting me from their spot on the kitchen counter.
This seems harder than last year..
1:00pmI felt a rumbling in my stomach a little while ago. It lasted a few seconds and went away, and still hasn't returned.
I could
really do with some chocolate right about now. Or tea. Or both. But I've got twenty-four hours to go. That's a whole day. That feels like a
long time to have nothing but horrible barley sugars in my mouth.
I'm dreading four o'clock. Because at four o'clock, I have to go to work. I like work, but only when there are nice people on. Yesterday, it seemed like everyone hated me, and so I spent the better half of three hours walking about and polishing tables that were already perfectly clean.
But Thursday was an even worse shift, and in fact, I won't even begin to tell you about it.
Quarter past one.. Time really isn't my friend today, is it?
Hurry up, 1pm Sunday 22nd.
7:16pmHome from work at last. I smell of oil and potatoes. Needless to say, I work at a fast food joint, and, since my employment, I haven't eaten fast food.
I can't believe myself, really.
What's even more outrageous is the fact I haven't eaten
any food since 9 o'clock yesterday. It's almost been twenty-four hours!
Believe me, you all don't know how tempted I've been to eat a piece of chocolate or toffee.
My mouth hates me. All the chemoreceptors on my tongue want me dead.
I don't think I'll have to do much to win back their love tomorrow afternoon.
I know just the treat..
8:14pmI'm hungry. I want to eat. Sixteen hours and forty-six minutes to go..
Day three: 2:25pmHurrah! 40 Hour Famine 2010 complete, approximately an hour and twenty-five minutes ago. The last hour was without doubt the most difficult, and I don't think I've ever appreciated food more than the way I did at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Currently, the funds are at $281.00 which is almost double what I aimed to achieve by Monday. This year, I'm going to beat last years record, and lodge my application to become a Youth Ambassador.
I packed up my makeshift bed, and tore into the jar of chocolates, toffees and marshmallows. They were lovely, but I don't want them as much as I did yesterday..
And would you believe, my first meal was from a fast food joint.