Sunday, August 15, 2010

Simon Says- Follow My Love Of Writing!

I'm always trying to succeed. It's my sole aim in life. Succeed in your English assignment, succeed with the blanket you're knitting, succeed with the novel you're writing. Succeed.
It's not like anyone's forcing me. Heck, my parents have even told me to not try so hard. They say they'll love me even if I don't succeed in anything.
Well, I didn't want to test that.

But when I started blogging, I didn't know if I was in it to succeed, or just because I have a passion for writing, and a love for sharing.
If I wanted to succeed in blogging, what would that look like? A stupendously long number of followers? What would it sound like? Heartwarming praise from friends every time I posted a new blog?
Well, regardless of what success in blogging would look like, or sound like, or even taste like (ooh, what does success taste like, I do wonder..) I decided I'm not really looking for it.
But, it found me anyway.

Because you know what I think success really is? Inspiring someone. And that I've done. It doesn't matter that so far, it's only two people. Still, that's two more people in this world who share the love of writing. Who's counting?

So even though I didn't set out to succeed, I have, in a simple and humble way.
So maybe I was born to succeed..

Who knows; let's just see how many more people I can inspire. :)

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