Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whatever Will Be, Will Be.

"The future's not ours to see, Que Sera, Que Sera."

And that's my problem.
You see I have a real problem with surprises and not knowing things. Maybe not as bad as my sister, whose much worse than I am with surprises- to the point where she just about ruined her own surprise party for herself (although she insisted she had a lovely time).

I just don't like not knowing the future. True, the future is not our to see. How do we know we'll even make it to the future anyway?
I'm not normally morbid, but hey, if I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my future would most likely be spent six feet under, and pushing daisies.
But I need to have at least a vague idea of what's in store for me. How will I know whether to anticipate good or bad? What can I brace myself for?
What if I brace myself for a future abundant with joy and prosperity, only to be depressed and broke in ten years to come (God forbid).
Or what if I spend all these years worrying about how awful my future will be, and plotting schemes to try and avoid that, only to realize I was in for a blessed future anyway?

I need to have some sort of idea! How can one possibly sit and wait; just wait and see what the future holds?
To me, it seems more possible for a sheep to give birth to an albatross. I hate waiting. More than anything. And the only thing I hate more than waiting is waiting and not knowing what to expect.

But I once realized, God doesn't give you challenges you can't overcome, nor does he give you a life you're unable to live.
So I won't brace myself for anything in particular. I'll just brace myself for the future.

Because whatever will be, will be.

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