Friday, May 31, 2013

Webcam selfies on a cosy night in. 

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes! It's my birthday!

Okay, it was my birthday last Saturday. But I'm still claiming this post-birthday week.

It seems that seventeen came and went so quickly, and eighteen is already here- and it hasn't yet sunk in. Eighteen. What do I do now?

Birthday party planning consumed much of the weeks preceding my birthday, as it would be my last birthday shenanigan before perhaps the big 'three-oh'. (That's right, no 21st for me. Hopefully I'll be spending that birthday somewhere else in the world.)
So there was the food and the drinks, the decorations, the seating and the heating, the cups and cutlery and crockery and bits and bobs to put on tables, then there was the tables themselves, the cake, and of course, the music.

By Saturday afternoon, I wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep.

But alas, I did not. I got ready for the night and partied on.

It occured to me, however, while I farewelled friends with the usual "Thank you for coming!" followed by the "No! Thank you for having me! I hope you had a good night!" that I was in fact not sure whether I'd had a good night.

See, I'd been planning my birthday for weeks- months even! I'd been looking forward to it, and was so excited to celebrate turning eighteen, that by the day came, I was so busy and stressed with setting up and getting things ready, that I'd forgotten to relax and get myself ready. I was so fed up with the day that- and it all came so quickly- that I suddenly just jumped right into it, and before I knew it, half the night was through.
Now I wasn't drunk (boo!) but I don't quite remember what I spent most of the night doing. I recall dancing a little bit.. taking some photos.. chatting with a few people... being made to skull a glass of pink champagne... giving a terrible speech and cutting my cake.. but all of this is only in snippets. perhaps I was drunk.

But I shouldn't sound like a total grouch. Despite the fact it wasn't a perfect birthday like I'd wanted, I was still surrounded by the people I love who were wonderful enough to come and celebrate with
Proverbs 31: 25-26

What do we think of this, bloggers?
In a few short weeks, this verse, 
in this font and this size
will be inked onto my right
index finger. 

Eeeeek, excitement!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunshine & Pretty Melodies.

Sorry, that was probably a bit misleading.

This post isn't going to be about anything related to sunshine or pretty melodies. I just named it that because sunshine and pretty melodies are what I would rather surround myself with right now.

Because currently I am surrounded by snotty tissues, textbooks and pens.

It's Monday, it's cold (and I have a cold) and I'm halfway through my senior year and drowning in books and study notes. So I'm taking a break, partly because I've lost all traces of motivation and partly because I've had a rotten weekend and homework is absolutely no cure for that whatsoever.

Friday night was spent just how I'd like all my Friday nights to be spent- surrounded by friends and music, a little bit drunk and very much happy. It was a friends 18th birthday, and it was just the night out I required after a long, boring, arduous week. "I feel like getting a bit loose" I recall saying to my friends, who raised their eyebrows (and rightly so) because Anoosha never professes to wanting to get "loose". Perhaps they sensed the beginning of a drinking problem. After meeting Friday night's happy little version of myself, I sure sense one.

Nevertheless, Saturday morning was a struggle. Feeling (and looking) a little bit like a slug, I dragged myself out of bed and made a start on finishing (does that make any sense? I don't know) the psychology report that sat ominously on my desk. Three hours later, it was printed and stapled and ready to go- much like the raging cold that had beaten my tipsy immune system to pieces and made me sick. So it was bedtime from 2pm onwards.

To make my day just that little bit shittier, my poor dear bunny broke his leg. It's still a mystery how he broke it, but the poor little furball spent his weekend limping around with his leg dragging behind him.
(I suppose having said that, I really should be complaining about having a cold). Tonight he spends his first night away from home as he waits for surgery tomorrow morning. I promise I'll post some photo's of Limpy and his bandaged leg as soon as he comes home. Oh my poor little bun-bun.

On top of a tonne of homework that remains untouched, a stubborn cold and a broken rabbit, that good old time of the month also springs itself on me, leaving me twice as grumpy and four times as hungry. And angry and fat is always desirable.

So, to end my whiney post on a happier note, here's a list of thank-you notes, for the little things that did go right this weekend.

  • Thank you to my best friend for buying me drinks on Friday night, even though I realised I was too broke to pay you. I promise your payment is coming soon.
  • Thank you to my business management teacher for allowing me to sit for my SAC at lunch time so I could take my rabbit to the vet instead of going to class.
  • Thank you to the Salvo's op-shop in Cheltenham for that jaw-dropping jumpsuit that made me the recipient of endless compliments on Friday night.
  • Thank you burgundy lipstick for completing the outfit, every single time.
  • Thank you OMAM, Snakadaktal and Passion Pit for coming together and playing in Adelaide at Spin Off in August. Yaaaaaay, roadtrip!
  • Thank you to the lovely shift manager at work for giving me half-priced sundaes when I popped in after school today.
  • And thank you to the even lovelier boy who kissed my hand after I told him what a poopy weekend I had. 
  • Thank you to our wonderful vet who's taking care of my little bun-bun tonight, and fixing his broken leg tomorrow.
  • Thank you to my aunty's friend, for the pretty Peter Alexander pyjama's. 
  • Thank you to my friend Allison for always listening when I need to have a cry over the phone
  • And thank you to God for allowing me to maintaing at least a sliver of sanity all this time. 

See you soon, bloggers. Take care.

Hey hey,
it's May!

And I bet you read that in a much cheerier voice than I had imagined in my head when I typed it. 
It's been an absolutely rubbish start to the month, and I'll tell you why later tonight. 

Watch this space, friends. 