Monday, December 16, 2013

101 Things That Are More Important Than Your Grades.

Any year 12 student in Victoria would have dreaded this morning. I know I did. This morning was the morning that our final results were released, the little digits we all feared so much. At 7am we either awoke to a text from the VCAA, or logged on to our VTAC accounts to check for ourselves, but either  way, we all had to brace ourselves and confront those mean little numbers that carried the importance of the whole world on them.

But they don't really.

I realise that today is probably a sad day for some people; people who worked really damn hard throughout the year, who studied and studied and studied, who made sacrifices, who set goals and tried their absolute best- and maybe didn't quite get there. In fact, that was me. I gave it my all and yet was still a little less than pleased with my score. But only a little. I'm still able to get into my course and do what I've wanted to do all year, and for the moment, that's all that matters.
But some people mightn't have been so lucky. Maybe some people missed out by a lot, or even a few marks. And now they probably feel miserable.

And that's why I'm writing you lovelies a post. This is for everyone who might have cried this morning, everyone who checked their results then rolled over in bed and wished they could disappear, everyone who feels disappointed, everyone who feels worthless, everyone who feels let down and ashamed.

It really is just a number. It's just a number to get you to the next phase of your life, and hey- if it wasn't the right number, then there sure as hell are other ways to get where you want to be. And while you figure out how you might go about getting there, here are 101 things that are far more important than your final score. They always have been, and they always will be. Don't let a little number dictate the rest of your life. It's all yours. Seize it, and run with it.

  1. Waking up to a new day
  2. Having a roof over your head
  3. Hot baths
  4. Having food to eat and clean water to drink
  5. Having a family to love and support you
  6. Having friends to share your life with
  7. Scented candles
  8. Being well and in good health
  9. Being able to receive an education
  10. Being able to complete that education, and graduate
  11. Good music
  12. Being able to love and be loved
  13. Having the world as your oyster, and the freedom to travel it
  14. Being blessed with endless opportunities and possibilities
  15. Making memories
  16. Being able to enjoy the summer
  17. Being able to meet new people, make new friends and form new relationships
  18. Being able to work and earn money
  19. Finding inspiration
  20. Having the freedom and independence to set goals
  21. Being able to give back to the world
  22. Finding your passion
  23. Really soft pillows
  24. Finding cool stuff on sale
  25. Getting handwritten letters
  26. Laughing until you cry/snort/pee (I usually do all three)
  27. Giving and receiving hugs
  28. Realising who you want to be
  29. Falling in love
  30. Making the most of each of your days
  31. Cuddling your pets (if you don't have one, you're welcome to cuddle my rabbit Gizmo)
  32. Having options and choices
  33. Getting up in time to watch the sunrise 
  34. Being able to set yourself challenges
  35. Being able to inspire people
  36. Being thankful
  37. Sleeping in fresh bed linen
  38. Chocolate
  39. Feeding your soul
  40. Holding hands
  41. Being someones role model
  42. Finding what makes you happy
  43. Allowing yourself to dance
  44. Freshly painted toenails
  45. Helping people
  46. Pistachio flavoured gelato
  47. Having the right to vote, and speak your mind
  48. Having a plan B
  49. Knowing that Christmas is only nine days away
  50. Being able to spend Christmas (and other important occasions) with loved ones
  51. Making people smile
  52. Being able to change someones life
  53. Donating to charity
  54. Finding your gift
  55. Finding someone who makes you happy
  56. The promise of a new year
  57. Having a mind of your own, and the ability to create your own views and values
  58. Finding something that adds meaning to your life
  59. Having integrity
  60. Making a difference
  61. Finding hope
  62. Giving hope
  63. Being able to add value to someones life
  64. Banana bread (my mum just made some and it is deeeeeeevine)
  65. Being a good friend
  66. Watching The Simpsons
  67. Opening your mind
  68. Finishing a good book
  69. Finding sunglasses that actually suit your face
  70. Receiving help from a stranger
  71. Giving compliments
  72. Receiving compliments 
  73. Cosy and warm beds
  74. Exploring the world
  75. Making progress
  76. Finding motivation
  77. Baking choc chip cookies
  78. Accidentally doing a killer job on your hair/make up/outfit
  79. Connecting with people
  80. Morning jogs
  81. Being able to let go of your past
  82. Keeping promises
  83. Finding faith
  84. Saving a life
  85. Humility
  86. The smell of tinsel
  87. The beach
  88. Lying in the sun
  89. Finding positivity
  90. Road trips
  91. Watching fireworks
  92. Collecting sea shells
  93. Baking cupcakes (and eating them too)
  94. Helping someone find their passion
  95. Growth
  96. Overcoming your fears
  97. Seeing the bigger picture
  98. Making people laugh
  99. Second chances
  100. Choosing to be happy
  101. Being alive
If you can tick off at least five of those, I guarantee you're gonna be okay- regardless of your score.

Much love,


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