Thursday, October 25, 2012

She's Tired & Sleepy, And Nodding Her Head..

...and ready to curl herself up in bed, and see what tomorrow brings.

Does anyone remember 'Noddy'? ('The little man in the red and yellow car'?)
No? No one? 


Somehow I think Noddy was a little more optimistic than I am, at the best of times. All Noddy ever had to do was be all cute and small and happy in his little car, with all his little toy friends. 

Noddy never had to wake up at ungodly hours to get ready for school, or take a bus full of inexplicably-boysterous-for-8am-in-the-morning young adolescents to a place where he would have to elbow his way through locker bays and get bored to the point of insanity in class. Additionally, Noddy didn't need to drink coffee to stay awake while studying for countless SAC's and exams. 

I complain far too much about school.

It's not as if I'm the first and only person to ever do VCE. It's not as if there aren't another 40,000 or so VCE students struggling through this with me.
I shouldn't be so ungrateful. So many kids around the world would do anything for my life, and my education and my opportunites. Jesus, a girl just got shot for pushing for her rights to an education and here I am complaining endlessly about mine.

I can't say I'm enjoying the stress and the anxiety and the pressure of school right now, but I'm so blessed to have an education and such promising possibilities and opportunites. I really must stop whining.

On a happier side note, I have so much to look forward to! After exams, we begin three weeks of year 12 before the school year is over for good. You'd presume that my usual hateful ramblings towards year 11 would only suggest even more hateful ramblings towards year 12, but alas, you are wrong.
It makes no sense whatsoever, and it totally contradicts everything I just whinged about, but I am super excited for year 12. 
Actually, let me specify- I am most certainly NOT looking forward to the heightened stress and pressure and anxiety and nerves that will surely result from my next and final year of high school. I'm NOT looking forward to exams and selecting universities and all that troublesome nonsense. And I'm certainly NOT looking forward to hearing about the VCAA 28,483 times a week. 

What I am looking forward to is the independence and freedom we get as seniors of the school. And by this I mean not just little privileges and perks, but I mean in relation to subjects and coursework,  and the freedom of choice and room for creativity that we are allowed.
For example, year 11 media has seen us following the coursework for the year, which obviously means completing structured projects and assessment tasks as directed by our teacher. Fun, but hardly room for the creativity I know I have.
Year 12 media, however, sees us spending the entire year on one project- be it film, print, photography, animation or digital media/radio. We get to pick whichever we like and then spend the entire year, brainstorming, drafting, creating and perfecting our final piece. 
When I was told this, I almost squealed with excitement. I don't know which form I like more out of all of them, but just the fact that there is so much freedom and room for creativity and independence just makes me eager to start the new school year, before we've even finished this one.

Oh! And in regards to that, the back room of our house- that my sister and I are slowly but gradually turning into a studio- is coming along quite nicely. And I have good news..
I may soon be purchasing my very own iMac for the studio, complete with all the programs I will require for media! I'm so excited I can hardly wait- Macs are absolutely wonderful for design and media, especially photography.
And to accompany my beautiful iMac, I'm going to look into a Canon EOS SLR for perhaps my 18th birthday next May. I've seen some ridiculous deals on twin lens kits, and it would sure be an investment. I can't wait.
Next year will be a hell of a challenge, but an awesome one. So maybe I'll stop complaining, just for now.

I'll keep you posted. Much love.